grade 1 - mohammed
"In the piggy I learned how to make homemade glue and also a paper mache."
"In the piggy I learned how to make homemade glue and also a paper mache."
"I was happy because the birds were happy and eating from my art."
"I am happy I learned how to make a flower with paper and there are other ways to make a flower with paper but I liked this way."
"هذا لإطعام العصافير."
"شعرت بالاستمتاع وهذا كوب ساخن يروق الأعصاب."
"هذا أرنب و له فم صغير لقد استمتعت."
"أول اشي كنا في فصل الخريف و بعدين أنا رسمت صورة لفصل الشتاء."
"كل العصافير بياكلوا منه وحتيطو على شجرة صاحبيتي عشان ما يقدروا ياكلوهم البسس."
"النمر الحقيقي شرير ولكن النمر الورقي جيد."
".piggy استخدمت بالون ولصقت عليها ورق ملون باستخدام الطحين والماء رسمت عليها"
"لفيت ورق على قلم رصاص عشان الاخضر بعدين عملت الأوراق"
".3D رسمت صورة"
"تذكرت شكل بستي فرسمتها بشكل عملاق."
"حاولت أبين كيف كان شعوري المبسوط والمفاجئ في الحصص."
"still life حاولت أرسم درج اختي."
".positive and negative space رسمت اشياء وبعدين بينت"
"تعلمت كيف أدمج الألوان"
"A drawing I really liked, I tried to make it really cool and as good as I can. The potatoes were hard but I did my best."
"I learned how to do 3D and I really like it cause its good for my first try in 3d."
"I practiced drawing more 3D."
"I drawed a cat, and it was my first time and this is what turned out with me but I draw myself a lot so it turned out good. I need to draw cats more."
"I felt really good, I drew a guitar once and showed it to my mom, this is the second time I drew a guitar and it turned out amazing."
"When you told us to draw still life, it was the only thing I thinked of. I don’t know why I drew a circle."
"big and small from a giant cat تعلمنا عن الاشياء الكبيرة ولبصغيرة انا قررت اسم بسة لاني بحبهم و بينت"
"رسمت بوقت فراغي كل ألوان الرينبو الي اتعلمتهم وكتبت اسمي بالنص اخذني شوية ايام اخلصها و كان معقد بس النتيجة عجبتني"
"3D كتير طلعت حلوة وتعلمت أرسم"
".Rainbow كنت عم بتعلم الالوان وهاي اكتر وحدة حبيتها زي"
"حبيت ابين الأزرق الفاتح زي البحر."
"مضحك وكنت خايف لانو غلطة وحدة بالحبر راح يخرب وبعد ما خلصت انصدمت."
"كنت مبسوط."
"كنت متحمس وتعلمت دمج الألوان."
"3D هدول أشكال."
"حاولت اعمل زي الفيديو حاولت اكتير."
"I was really bored so I decided to draw art in my free time. I drew life and I added a landscape, it took my about an hour to draw."
"This picture is about rainbows."
"This photo is a picture of a turkish rug with a pattern, try to see the patterns !"
"I call this picture the great rainbow wall, this is from paint 3D i really love it."
"Meet block cat, this is a cat from shapes."
"this picture is about sea animals, like the turtle and seahorse and the otter and a fish."
"رسمة الحيوانات الذي عليها نمط. انا اخترت النمر والأسد."
"استعملت الموارد الطبعية (الياسمين) و لونته لعمل لوحة فنية على طريقة الكلاج.."
"نمط من الادوات الموجودة في المنزل مثل البساط استخدمت الاحمر والأزرق."
"عملت فيها قوس قزح."
"نجمة النينجا اوريجامي تدربت على عملها حتى اتقنها من أجل محور الإتقان وعملت لاخوي وأصحابي كمان."
"استعملت الاشكال الهندسية مشان ارسم حيوانات وكثير كانت ممتعة وتعلمت منه."
"رسمت عجلة الالوان و واستمتعت باظهار جميع الألوان قي هذه اللوحة."
"I write on it many things, on the shape of my hand. I removed the lines so it looks like just words."
"I drew a village, they chopped all the trees, then an old man said stop cutting the trees or you will have to leave this place."
"This is a landscape of an island."
"This is a galaxy in our solar system."
"I drew this using technology, and my mom’s phone. This is a pattern on animals."
"This is the color wheel."
" in this picture i drew the concept of far and near."
"i was shown shown a picture as a refrence, then i used it to recreate the picture with my own little twist."
"i used paint 3D to make shapes."
"i drew patterns by using different colors and shapes."
"i used my imagination to draw a wild tomato plant in the forrest."
"i decided to make a boat for the origami task."
"using shapes such as circles, squares and other mechanical shapes i made a bridge."
"demonstrating the color wheel i drew a flower instead of a wheel, i also made a small wheel beside it to show all the colors."
"We learned about patterns and that means when you repeat something like 12321232."
"We learned about patterns and that means when you repeat something like 12321232."
"I did sketches and that is when you draw something and then you draw over it with marker."
"Pieter Cornelius Mondrian, 1960 a Dutch painter who is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century."
"When I drew this I was having a lot of fun, I didn’t want to at first but then I really enjoyed myself."
"I love watermelon and cute faces, so I drew this as a story of a watermelon and her friends."
"This is the story."
"I had alot of work on me so this was a quick sketch of my ideas."
"I enjoyed myself so much and I felt like the colors really represented my feelings."
"At first I didn’t want to draw my hand then when I started I really enjoyed myself."
"I didn’t know what to draw exactly, so I looked for a program, and then I started drawing things from my room."
"I was sitting outside at night and I imagined the sky and how it would look."
"I watched the videos in art class and I loved the style so I tried it and this is what I came out of it. "
"When I drew it I imagined I was a lady bug and I enjoyed myself."
"how to sketch different types of people and things."
"how to express my feelings by writing and drawing."
"how to draw details in a sketch way."
"how to draw a digital sketch."
"how to draw normal anime."
"how to draw a cat I a child way."
"how to draw a full character."
"adding my own style in a drawing."
"point of view."
"how to draw digital anime."
"try to draw my room."
"expressing my self."
"Optical illusions."
"This is my story, i hope you like it."
"The 3d hand looks 3d and colorful."
"The fat dude is one of my favorite it looks so cool."
"The 4 characters are my favorite style."
"The bald person looks like anima people."
"The thief one is really cool because it looks realistic."
"The story that is in shapes is cool."
"And the final one the house one is from my imagination."
"The guy that is thinking of ideas is my style too."
"my sketches."
"gaming made me feel better."
"my dream house is like that."
"my sketches."
"my sketches."
"this drawing wasn’t really meant to be but I exchanged it with the first one."
"my sketches."
"I think when I look at it some art magic happens so this is my idea about it but how about you ?"
"I made it from crayons and I copied it from a famous artist who I think died I long time ago but his drawing inspired me by the blending of the colors."
"well I don’t really like this one I didn’t make my best in it but I tried."
"I tried to draw anime at my best level."
"this is also an anime one it represents the anime look on my sister and I with my mother."
"I guess this is miss nur’s old cartoon when she was small."
"tbh I didn’t totally create that character but I did create the talking."
"this is sketching."
"i like this one cuz there is in it my favorite you tuber and he never shows his face so that is from my imagination."
"I really like cupcakes, so it was the first thing that came to mind."
"استخدمت المعكرونة لهذه الرسمة."
"هنا رسمت قطة جميلة."
".pumpkin في هذا الرسمة تعبت عليها كثير لان كانت كبيرة جدا وكان اللون ليس جيدا وهذا السبب كانت صعبة ولكن بالاخر كانت جيدة جدا و هي رسمة "
"في هذه الرسمة كانت رسمة صعبة جدا لكن استطعت أن أتقنها."
"هذه الرسمة كانت صعبة واخذت مني وقت كثير واستخدمت فيها ألوان كثيرة."
"في هذه الرسمة استفدت من فيديو حضرتهامن اليوتوب وبالنسبة لي أحلى رسمة رسمتها وتعلمت منها كتير أشياء."